
Your about page in the terminal.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import about from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/about';



Your about page in the terminal.

What is this?


If you don't have your profile set up yet, fork this project, add yours in ./src/profiles/ and submit a pull request!

If you have already published your profile, just ask your friends to install Node.js and run:

$ npx about Your Name Here

Built with

  • ink - React for interactive command-line apps
  • terminal-image - Display images in the terminal

About the Profile Creating Process

Right now all profile creation and changes are submitted as PRs and are reviewed manually, but eventually I'll set up a web app and move all the profiles to a database.

I'll try my best, however, I cannot guarantee to be always available for reviewing the changes.


This project is inspired by Sindre Sorhus's Sindre Sorhus CLI, and wouldn't be possible without the Ink library from Vadim Demedes and Sindre.